Sacred Roosters?

Rule of Life ~ To seek God's beauty and wonder!

I thought I would share the story that birthed in me the desire to be a wonder seeker.  This experience had such a profound impact that I had to add this practise as part of my personal rule of life.  Here is how it all began...

There is a saying that refers to "sacred cows."

The phrase is used when a person demonstrates an inability to be open to criticism or change in regards to a particular subject or topic.

During my travels to Hawaii I had an unusual and unique kind of sacred holy moment of my own.

And by the way... it didn't actually involve a cow.

In fact, it was with a completely different creature altogether.

It involved a "sacred rooster!"      

If you have ever been blessed to spend time on one of the islands in Hawaii it is likely you have encountered a rooster or two. 

As we attempted to adjust to the time difference, the rooster's crow was not the most pleasant alarm come 4:30 a.m. on vacation.

However, as the week progressed I gained a new adoration for my vocal friend.

Vacations are finally my chance to be still and hear from God.  I want to re-connect with loved-ones, experience new things and come back refreshed with a whole new me.  No pressure!

By day five panic set in as I could see the vacation slipping away. 


I decided I better get some rest back at our "Hawaii home." 

(as Xander, my little nephew called it)   

I volunteered to watch the boys while the others went to the ocean for a dip before the close of the day.  

My nephews were quietly absorbed in their ipad gaming world so I took advantage of the opportunity to read one of the books I had packed called, Wonder Struck.

Margaret Feinberg dares the reader to pray for wonder.  She urges us to live attentive and anticipate God's very own presence.

I was hooked!

As I eagerly turned each page I found myself noticing everything all around me.  I felt the gentle warm welcomed breeze on the back of my neck, the delightful giggles from the boys nestled together on the couch and the unique strong call of the rooster from the open window behind me.

I felt a pull to accept Margaret's challenge to seek the wonder of God. 

As I bowed my head and began to pray I heard the crow of the rooster once again from beneath the window sill.

I continued to utter my simple, yet urgent prayer for help to awake to the wonder of God's Presence.

I opened my eyes and continued to read from the chapter where I left off.

This is what followed my prayer...

"The power of God can be heard in the crackle of hail, the crash of an ocean wave, the groan of a gusting wind. The nearness of God is exhibited in the daily dawn-inspired rooster's crow, 
the rhythmic pacing of seasons:  all of creation testifies to the power and presence of God."

    ~ Wonder Struck, Margaret Feinberg

God has a delightful sense of humour!

Seriously?  What are the odds of being in Hawaii surrounded by roosters reading that exact book and that exact sentence?

What are the chances that while praying to experience the nearness of God that the rooster would crow again in the midst of my prayer? 

If that is not crazy soon as I finished reading that chapter the rooster called out one more time to close the day.

Sound a bit familiar?  I seem to recall another story about a rooster crowing three times.  Thankfully this story did not involve an ear being cut off!

God brings the sacred into the ordinary in the most unexpected ways.

I thank you God for the wonder of sacred moments with roosters!

Dare today to pray for Wonder.

Watch and wait!

Seek, taste and breathe in His goodness.

Live attentive to the beauty and wonder of God all around you.

I know you will find yourself in the midst of a sacred holy moment of your own. 




  1. Thank you so much Mary Lou. Feel very honoured to have you share in the journey!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you very much - I feel blessed to have people like yourself take time to share in the journey here!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I love this Nicole!
    Last October I attended a leaders' conference and the theme was (guess what??) "AWAKEN THE WONDER!"
    Reading this post reminded of so many of the wonderful truths I learned there.
    Here is one of my favorite quotes from the event: "When wonder is awakened we are suddenly aware that what there is isn't ALL there is." Andy Stanley.
    How amazing to be so awakened to the wonder of God that we are hit with the realization that there are no limits to what God can do in and through us!

    1. Thank you so much Laura for sharing that quote with us here. I love how God has been speaking similar themes into our lives. I can see His heart for us to live awake and to delight in His wonder. I am so honoured that you take the time to share in the journey here.


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