Living Easter

I am the resurrection and the life
John 11:25 

I pulled an old favourite off the shelf during lent.  It is a book of meditations on the exalted Christ called At The Name of Jesus by Tricia McCary Rhodes.   Easter weekend I ended my reflections with the chapter on the Resurrection. 

I did not realize how thirsty and desperate I actually was until I found myself clinging to this description of Christ like a life line...

 "Resurrection, Reawakener, Revitalizer, Resuscitator."

Do you need resuscitated?



I confess, after this Easter holiday I felt like I was in need of resuscitation.  I needed the hope of resurrection, truth, life and love.  

Easter is not meant to be a holiday or church season that comes and goes.  It is so much more than that.  It is life itself.  We are to live Easter!

We are to live each day with the resurrected life of Christ in us...proclaiming like Mary, that we too have seen the risen Lord!

Have you seen the risen Lord lately?  

Have you heard Him call your name?  Listen...He is calling you.

Are you in need of a resurrection of your own?  Come to the one who is the resurrection and the life.  

He is The Reawakener!

He is our hope of living awake in Him.


  1. Yesssss!!! Preach it Nicole!!! Great post!!

  2. The holidays wiped me out ... I was so relieved to be reminded that Christ is the one who delights to reawaken and resurrect even in the now! Thanks Mary Lou!

  3. Beautiful Nicole...Christmas and Easter are needed everyday in our hearts as reminders for growing in God's love. Thank you Nicole for placing reminders in my Camino with the best velcro there is, LOVE!

  4. Thank you so much Monica for taking the time to read and share here! It is wonderful to have one another to live together in Christ!

  5. You made me smile with your comment that the holidays wiped you out. They aren't supposed to do that. :) I get it though. :)

  6. You are absolutely correct...holidays are not supposed to wipe us out! I have to say that having your incredible homemade pie made the holiday a little less stressful! Your pie has quickly become a family favourite! So thank you for helping me through the holidays!


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