Seeking Wonder ~ The Fragrance of Spring

Why don't we stop for a small sacred moment together to take in God's beauty and wonder...

Sit or walk in the quietness, be still

Know that He is God

Lean in and listen

Take a deep breath

Inhale the fragrance of Spring

It is my prayer this weekend that God may refresh and breathe life into the chambers of your interior castle.

I pray that each and every one of you will be filled with the wonder and sweetness of the aroma of Christ just like the fragrant flowers of Spring.


I want to take a moment to express my deep gratitude for taking the time to drop by and make this castle your home. 

I am humbled that you have chosen to walk along this camino together.

Thank you for your kind words of encouragement each week through the comments you send.  Your reflections have been a blessing to me and to this community here at arils and castles.

I look forward to seeing you again very soon...



  1. Such beautiful photos! I have been inhaling the scents of this season all week: lilac, apple blossom and freshly cut grass, as well as listening to the songs in the air and warning cries of anxious mother birds when we get a little too close to her nest!

  2. yes ..the scent of freshly cut grass ... and the smell of the first BBQ of the season!
    We noticed this week that we have a family of six baby raccoons living on the roof of the house next door - I have to admit I would prefer a family of birds! May you continue to be filled and overflow with the fragrance of Christ.

  3. You know with my crazy/busy schedule with two little ones, I sometimes forget to stop and smell the roses. This was a great reminder to pause and just take a moment to thank God for all of his beautiful creations for us to enjoy. (even a family of raccoons) lol.

  4. Sarah ... me too - and I don't have your excuse of little ones. I read somewhere - and I am not sure who to give credit to - I am paraphrasing - we live depraved when we neglect to notice God's beauty.

    Thank you Sarah- it means so much to me that you take the time to read and share here at arils and castles. So grateful for you! May God refresh your soul and cover you with His very own sweet fragrance.

  5. and Sarah ...don't get me going on those raccoons...seriously they creep me out.


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