The Lenten Way

As our days get longer we find ourselves in the midst of this pilgrimage called lent.  A sacred time of preparation leading to the death and resurrection of Christ.     

As a choir director, I can spend so much time preparing for the busy Easter season that sometimes I can miss the beautiful journey of lent with Jesus along the way.  

However, without the walk toward the cross - there is no resurrection or life.

Without the walk 
toward the cross
is no 
 and life


The Lenten journey becomes a sacred terrain to pour out and expose our heart as we walk along with Jesus.

This unveiling enables us to awaken our hearts like the first flowers of Spring pushing forth from the cold barren earth.  

We become so accustomed to living with fear and shame that we fail to notice the weight and hold of these toxic emotions and habits.  We deceive ourselves that this stress or anxiety is some how normal - simply a part of life.

With each step in Him, we shed the pain, the anxiety and the sin that we have been clinging on to.  


With each step in Jesus, we become a new creation.

There becomes clarity and freedom as we shift our mind off of our ourselves, our problems and on to the One who has come to set us free.  It is at His feet, His cross that we must release the burden we were never meant to carry.  

It is on this Lenten path that we encounter Jesus ~ The Way, The Truth and The Life.

I am
 The Way
The Truth
The Life

The Lenten Way is a place of remembrance and renewal.

Come, Remember Me 

I have poured my love upon you

I have died in your place

I am gracious to forgive 

Remember the One who is rich in mercy

Father forgive us 

For the times we have failed to remember You

For turning away from You

For the conditions we place on our love and grace

For judging, avoiding, blaming, defending, causing division and strife.  Have mercy for the times we wanted to be right and be heard rather than show humility to listen and learn.

For the idols, we have placed at the centre of our lives (our problems, our fears, people, career, money)

For wanting our own way instead of submitting to You as The Way

For critical, un-necessary or hurtful words

For living in stress and fear instead of believing in who you say you are and who we are in You.

For failing to notice or give sacrificially to those in need who we meet along the way

For complaining instead of living in gratitude

For being distracted, complacent or apathetic rather than responding with urgency concerning the desires of Your heart.

Have mercy on us

In the beautiful name of our Saviour - Jesus

As we travel upon this Lenten road take a few moments to pause and ask Jesus to reveal the hidden places or the people that we need to surrender to Him.

What or who
 do you need
 to release
 and surrender
 to Jesus?

Remember To Let Go     

of the guilt and shame of our sin and our mistakes 

of the fear of the unknown, our safety, of being exposed, of failing to live up to expectations

of the worry for those we love, circumstances we cannot change, our health, finances

of the need to be perfect, to perform or to earn approval or love

of self-pity

of our pride, independence 

of the labels placed upon us of not being good enough, smart enough, talented enough, spiritual enough.  That we are somehow less than or disqualified from experiencing love, belonging or utilizing our unique gifts

Now extend your palms and release.  Leave it all at the foot of His cross. He is Lord, the One who holds all things together and is fully trustworthy.

Believe and rest in His lavish love and grace. 

Let us walk with gratitude and joy as we receive this outrageous gift of love poured out upon us.

Remember Our Beloved 

Return to me

I have died to set you free 

Your sin and shame is covered 

Nothing you have done or can do will ever take you away from my love or My Presence

It is finished - you do not need to perform or earn my love. 

Rest in Me

I remember your sins no more

I have wiped away ALL your transgressions

I see your tears 

You are not forgotten

You and those you love are in the palm of my hand

I am Your Redeemer

I am the Way, The Resurrection and the Life  

You are mine

The Lenten Way  

Remember and Live In Me

Let us cultivate the seeds that nourish our interior castle.
May we be attentive to the unfolding of the beauty of our Beloved so that we may live every day overflowing with the fullness of Christ.

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