Sent From Heaven
"snow come down from heaven..."
Isaiah 55:10
"For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven,
And do not return there without watering the earth
And making it bear and sprout,
And furnishing seed to the sower and bread to the eater;
So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth;
It will not return to me empty,
Without accomplishing what I desire,
And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it."
Isaiah 55:10-11 - NASB
Isaiah 55:10-11 - NASB
The turning of creation draws our gaze heavenward.
Each intricate flake calls us to remember.
Though designed to melt and vanish each fragile wintry crystal is created with divine intention.
Sent from heaven.
Sent with purpose.
Distributed from above to accomplish what our Father desires - to water and bear fruit.
This celestial frosting also calls us to remember the Word.
The living Word.
Sent with love from heaven to earth.
Sent with love from heaven to earth.
The One who brings into existence what He says He will do.

"Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord:
though your sins are like scarlet,
they shall be as white as snow;
though they are red like crimson,
they shall become like wool."
Isaiah 1:18
This minuscule heavenly flake reminds us that our scarlet sins, shame and guilt have been washed white as snow. As the snow covers the ground we can be assured that our Saviour clothes us with His righteousness. His life exchanged on the cross for our sins.
Jesus, sent from heaven, sent with a purpose.
Sent to save and redeem us.
Sent to accomplish the Father's will and fulfill His promise.
Yet, the story does not end there.
There is a beautiful returning.
"For as the rain and
the snow
come down
from heaven,
And do not
return to it without
watering the earth
and making it bud
and flourish ...
it will not return
to me empty"
Isaiah 55:10,11 - NIV
Like the snowflake, Jesus also returns above to the One who sent Him.
As these delicate flakes of winter wonder cascade down to the earth - open wide your hands.
Behold each frosted masterpiece from above and remember that we are also His sent ones.
No matter what our age.
No matter what mistakes or broken past.
No matter what challenging circumstances that we face.
Remember that we are His sent ones.
Just as He formed every microscopic detail of each patterned flake that falls from the sky - our Beloved intimately knows you and me.
We are created and sent for an eternal purpose.
Washed white as snow.
Sent to accomplish the desires of our Father's heart.
Sent by the same Holy One whose word promises to never return empty.
Sent by love.
Sent in love.
and called to return to Love.
Sent From Heaven
Sent With Purpose
Jesus, sent from heaven, sent with a purpose.
Sent to save and redeem us.
Sent to accomplish the Father's will and fulfill His promise.
Yet, the story does not end there.
There is a beautiful returning.
"For as the rain and
the snow
come down
from heaven,
And do not
return to it without
watering the earth
and making it bud
and flourish ...
it will not return
to me empty"
Isaiah 55:10,11 - NIV
Like the snowflake, Jesus also returns above to the One who sent Him.
As these delicate flakes of winter wonder cascade down to the earth - open wide your hands.
Behold each frosted masterpiece from above and remember that we are also His sent ones.
No matter what our age.
No matter what mistakes or broken past.
No matter what challenging circumstances that we face.
Remember that we are His sent ones.
Just as He formed every microscopic detail of each patterned flake that falls from the sky - our Beloved intimately knows you and me.
We are created and sent for an eternal purpose.
Washed white as snow.
Sent to accomplish the desires of our Father's heart.
Sent by the same Holy One whose word promises to never return empty.
Sent by love.
Sent in love.
and called to return to Love.
Sent from heaven
Sent with purpose
Sent by love
Sent in love
and called to
Return to love
Thank you for stopping by arils and castles.
Let us cultivate the seeds that nourish our interior castle.
May we be attentive to the unfolding of the beauty of our Beloved so that we may live every day overflowing with the fullness of Christ.
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