I Sense A Theme!

When we repeat ourselves it is usually for one of two reasons...

either we do not think we have been heard and hence feel the need to repeat our point


we are getting older and simply forgot what we already said!

In the Bible, there are particular words or phrases that are repeated, such as "holy, holy, holy" or "praise the Lord His love endures forever."

We also see themes that reoccur in Scripture, such as suffering, grace, and redemption.  

Therefore, it is no surprise that in our own lives God may emphasize a specific message that he wants us to hear for our own benefit.

God may want to reveal something about himself or about our relationship in him.  That is why it is so important to take time to be attentive and still in the chaos to lean in to hear God's voice.

Well God, you certainly have my attention!  Let me explain.

On the weekend I was meditating on Romans 13 and the call to awake and put on the armour of light.  After writing in my journog (yes, my own made up word!) on arils and castles I did some long awaited housework.  In the evening I settled in with a book and found myself in the midst of one of those God moments.  

The chapter I open starts to speak once again to the theme of light.

My interest peaks. I perk up to pay closer attention.  Then the author draws the reader to a passage from Ephesians...

"you are light in the Lord.  Live as children of light...find out what pleases the Lord...
Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them... 
for it is light that makes everything visible.  This is why it is said:

"Wake up, O sleeper
Rise from the dead,
and Christ will shine on you." 

Ephesians 5: 8, 10, 11, 14 

Sound familiar?

It echoes exactly the same theme from Romans 13.

Live in the light, please the Lord, put aside the fruitless deeds of darkness and of course...WAKE UP!  

Well there you have it.  I guess the theme of 2016 is... Wake Up!

Who knew that the phrase, "Wake Up" was so prevalent in the Bible?

I can't say it was the message that I wanted or hoped to hear.  Truly, who wants to hear God tell them to "wake up!"

Just a tad embarrassing...what does that say about me?

Worse yet, what does that say about what God thinks about me?

None the less, apparently God has a message that he knows I need to hear in this season of my life.

I urge you to lean in and listen to what God is saying to you in this new year.

It may not be what we want to hear, but I guarantee it will be exactly what we need!

Thank you so much for the comments you have been sharing. I love to hear from you and how God is speaking to each of you.  May His light continue to shine brightly upon and through you. 

Heavenly Father,

Who am I that you would speak to me? Thank you for revealing yourself as the true light.  Thank you for my identity as a child of your light.  Help me to find out what pleases you and teach me how to live constantly awake in your light.  

I love you.

In the powerful name of Jesus, the true light who illuminates all things,




  1. Nicole, our cell group is preparing to study a book by Dr. Merry C. Lin: The Life Fully Lived, see http://www.drmerrylin.com/2015/05/soul-rescue/
    It is about "coming awake" spiritually.

  2. That sounds incredible...well I guess I know what book I am ordering on amazon this weekend! Thanks so much for sharing this - I can't wait to read it.


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