Capturing Your Faithfulness

2017 was a busy year in the Michell household.  I did not realize the significance this space and community at arils and castles has had on my spiritual walk until I felt the impact during my absence over this past year. 

I can't tell you how wonderful it is to be back and how grateful I am that you take the time to share in this Camino together.

I have spent the past week reflecting on what I like to call my Rocks of Remembrance. It is my way of capturing a few visual snapshots to remind me of God's faithfulness throughout the past year.  arils and castles, Rocks Of Remembrance

"I will 
recount all
Psalm 9:1

Capturing Your Faithfulness 

Thank You, Father, for the blessings throughout 2017

You did it!  Dr, Kenneth Michell, Doctor Of Worship Studies, Deepening Participation In The Lord's Supper
I am so very proud of you for the courage, sacrifice, perseverance and faith in this journey - Love You!

Maria, our new family member, student from Colombia who lived with us for 6 months

Your breath-taking beauty in creation

I never thought I would be giving thanks for an app, but this technology has been a game changer for our family. This program provides mobile help to bridge the communication gap through live time speech to text captioning for those who experience hearing loss.

Memories Together

Skating family fun after Marisa (my niece) and Matt tied the knot - congratulations!

Congrats to my nephew Pierce - OHL Midget Priority Draft to the Barrie Colts

The Castles - Celebrating Canada 150 - Travels in PEI

Brotherly love at the beach

Gift of vacationing together with you sis - love you!

Even the creatures that sting You make mysteriously beautiful

Gift of walking together - side by side

Capturing God's beauty around the world together with you!
  Shout out to Cowflix T-Shift Souvenirs & Cow's fluff n' udder Ice Cream - a must try!

Exploring with Grandpa

Channeling Ann with an E at Green Gables

Let us cultivate the seeds that nourish our interior castle.
 May we be attentive to the unfolding of the beauty of our Beloved so that we may live every day of this new year overflowing with the fullness of Christ.

  Thank you for making this Castle your home.


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